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Introducing the Ace of Space Planetarium 

The first gadget that, Introduced to the earthlings is the mobile planetarium. It is aninflatable dome shaped structure which can easily set up in a classroom, hall or even outdoors. It can accommodate 50-60 students. The upper surface is lit with a projector showcasing the entire universein the form of a 360-degree HD video for the students to learn in an engaging way. The view resembles the natural sky and hence captivates the attention of its audience. It has a ventilation fan for all its audience and the entrance is tall enough for people from all age groups to walk in. It is truly majestic, it can hold an entire Universe in itself during a session and after a session it can fit into a trunk making it super portable & mobile. Smart planetarium will come to your doorstep to take your students through an exciting journey that will unravel mysteries of the universe.


A 360 Degree Immersive Experience

You won’t know what a banyan tree is unless you stand underneath it. The mobile planetarium gives you a chance to step into an astronaut’s shoes and see the universe through his eyes. When you sit in the planetarium you can easily imagine yourself sitting beside. Our 3D like shows with advance visuals will give you a real-life experience of what the outer space looks and feels like.